At WaterTied, we weave the spirit of adventure into every waterborne experience we offer. Born from a deep-rooted family legacy that is intrinsically tied to the water's edge, we’ve built more than a company; we've created an extension of our passion for the aquatic world. From the tranquil to the exhilarating, we specialize in curating bespoke adventures in kayaking, fishing, paddle boarding, and sailing.


Our Journey

"Welcome to Your Next Adventure - Where Water Meets Wonder!  Explore Paddle Boarding, Kayaking, & Fishing Excursions Tailored for Every Water Enthusiast. Ready to Make a Splash?"


Our story is one of connection—connection to the water, to each other, and to the communities we serve. With every venture we curate, we strive to bridge the gap between human and nature, crafting experiences that go beyond mere engagement with the water. We see each splash as a storyline, each wave a narrative in the endless anthology of our relationship with the world’s waters.


Our Mission

WaterTied is more than a name; it's a reflection of our lifestyle, beliefs, and the legacy we wish to leave behind. We are a family-run company that finds joy and purpose in providing functional, fashionable apparel and accessories for all your aquatic adventures. Our mission resonates through our commitment to celebrate and strengthen the multi-generational bonds created through shared activities and adventures. Raised by the water, our family encourages a blend of curiosity and respect for its wondrous beauty and diverse inhabitants.


"Whether kayaking, fishing, paddle boarding, sailing, we have you covered."


By partnering with impactful organizations, we aim to extend the thrill of aquatic activities to those less fortunate, fostering a community that isn’t just tied to the water but is knit together by positive societal contributions. At WaterTied, every ripple resonates with purpose, carrying our pledge to make every experience both meaningful for our clients and beneficial to the broader community.


Discover the Tides of Giving Back

Through our collaborations with esteemed partners, we're committed to making aquatic adventures accessible to all. We believe in the power of water activities not only to thrill and challenge but also to heal, connect, and inspire. By choosing WaterTied, you join us in championing a lifestyle that reverberates with our heritage of giving back, ensuring that each adventure you undertake contributes to a sea of change.


Join Us on the Front of Exploration and Excitement

At WaterTied, your adventure is more than a moment on the water; it's a voyage towards impacting change. Ready to make a splash and immerse yourself in the wonder of water? Connect with us, and together, let's set sail on your next adventure, where water meets wonder.

Book Your Adventure with WaterTied today and explore paddle boarding, kayaking, and fishing excursions tailored for every water enthusiast. Together, we can make waves of change. 


Explore Our World, Protect Our Waters

At WaterTied, we believe in the power of adventure to not only bring joy and connection but also to inspire a sense of responsibility towards the environment. As water enthusiasts, we understand the importance of preserving our oceans, rivers, and lakes for future generations to enjoy. That's why we are committed to promoting sustainable practices and supporting organizations that work towards protecting our waters.


Join us on our journey to explore the world's waters while also protecting them for generations to come. Let's make a positive impact together through adventure, purpose, and passion. 

Ali Bosch

Ali Bosch

WaterTied Owner

Stay Tied To Us 

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Store Hours

Monday - Closed

Tuesday - Closed

Wednesday - 9am to 6pm

Thursday - 9am to 6pm

Friday - 9am to 6pm

Saturday - 9am to 6pm

Sunday - 9am to 6pm

Our Mission

We are not just tied to the water and to each other, but also to positive contributions to society. WaterTied will continue to partner with organizations whose values align with ours and whose communities could benefit from the exposure to water-tied activities.